A Message to The Black Man of America (2021)

Muslim D Shahid
4 min readAug 8, 2021

Dear black man in America, do you want to be a positive force in helping to end the race issue in America?

First, stop calling American Europeans “white people”. You are a part of the continuing perpetuation of the foundations that hold up the 2500-plus year-old false racial superiority mindset first manifested as sacred dogma by the Jain-Aryan groups of Euro-Asia and later adopted into scriptural text by the religious leadership of the Roman-Byzantine Empires of pre-renaissance Europe. It’s year 2021 so stop regurgitating that which doesn’t hold water anymore. The European skin complexion is not “white”, but ranges from a pasty-pink to rich-pink skin tone. Don’t believe me? Take a quick glance at a sheet of computer paper. Any questions?

You might ask why don’t ethnic Europeans in the US call themselves American Europeans in the public? Here is the reason why:

When identifying themselves in the public American Europeans don’t speak in the general sense about their European ancestry roots because most know the country of origin that they are from, e.g., Irish American, German American, Polish American, etc. American Europeans use these types of references to ethnic roots mostly when they are at close family gathering or in formal settings. Most American Europeans are extremely proud of the roots that ties them to their country of origin. So it’s understood by American Europeans that they are from Europe and they further know they have richer cultural and ethnic identities deeper than just being called “European”. Yet, embedded in European cultural psyche is the belief that their skin is “white”, a concept that can be traced back to the ancient socio-religious (Jain-Aryan) ideas of white supremacy by “Divine Decree”. Sorry Constantine the Great, but the cat is out of the bag.

You want to help us end the race issue? Stop labeling human beings by the color of their skin. Stop calling Europeans “white” and stop calling yourself “black”. Besides, “black” and “white” are not even organic colors of natural light. “Black” is simply the absence of light whereas, “white’ is the antagonistic combinations of three organic colors. I have yet to meet a man that is pure white and I have not met a man yet that is pure black. You think that you are black? Close your eyes and tell me what you see. That’s black. Stop using mystic religious terminology used by ancient man to symbolize his misinterpretation of the natural forces found in his environment: black is bad and, light (white) is good. Be careful, words make people. You don’t like the name “African American”? Most so-called “black people” are not even aware that the name African American was being used by Africans in America during the early years of the United States. Read the published document, “On the capture of Lord Cornwallis” and you will see the term “African American” was being used by the Africans in America as early as 1782. I prefer to use an updated version, “American African”, American European, etc., because less emphasis is on ethnic differences and more importance is placed on community awareness.

Look, slavery stripped us of the knowledge of our individual home lands in Africa so for a long time the best we could do as a group was to say we were African Americans with no reference to ethnic origins. But with new developments in gene testing there is an excellent chance that you can now find your ethnic group of origin. If you are really adamant about your origins why don’t you have Y-DNA, Autosomal DNA, and mtDNA analysis done? These combined type of DNA test can pinpoint where your gene pool came from within a radius of about 300 miles and as far back as 5,000 years. By comparing genetic testing of broad groups of different ethnic and cultural types in Africa we can now determine with close proximity where many of our original homelands were on the continent of Africa. Yeah, I hear the brother…the one in the dashiki in the back, but don’t even go there. “Black symbolizes our struggle, that’s why we call ourselves the black man”. So black means struggle? So “white” would have to mean ease, the victory? See, it’s a snafu! You’re right back at square one, right back into ancient symbolism, “white supremacy”.

To the people of the United States of America understand that the varying ethnic groups that make up our citizenry is now settled and here to stay. We are a pluralistic society and our citizens hail from every corner of the globe and ain’t nobody going to leave, so just forget about it. The world has become cosmopolitan in nature and all men, and this would include Americans, are going to have to learn to live together as a one world community. Relinquish your nationalistic fantasies to police the world. Give up your secret desires to be a “king” ruling over masses of poor working people, or dreams of being a great leader who brings all the black masses under one hierarchy. I’m not suggesting that in order to be proud Americans that you have to give up your ethnic heritage. You are an African in America. You are a European in America. You are an Asian in America. You are a Mexican in America. We are all Americans, citizens endowed with inalienable rights, right? American African, American European, American Asian, American Mexican. There is only one race…the human race.



Muslim D Shahid

MD Shahid is a senior research scientist with a MS in Physical Inorganic Chemistry. In 1991 he was the recipient of the NTAA Scientist of the Year Award.